March 23, 2011


© the mediterranean vegan


6 ripe fresh tomatoes (peeled, seeded and chopped)
2 or 3 large fresh green peppers (roasted, peeled, seeded and chopped)
3 large cloves of garlic, finely chopped or pressed
45ml (3 tbsp) chopped fresh parsley
45ml (3 tbsp) chopped fresh cilantro
5ml (1 tsp) salt (or more to taste)
(1/4 tsp) black pepper
15ml (1 tbsp) paprika
10ml (2 tsp) cumin
pinch of cayenne or red pepper (optional)
(1/3 cup) olive oil

1. Mix all ingredients in a large frying pan.
2. Cook over medium to medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, for about 20 minutes, or until the tomatoes are very soft. Adjust the heat if necessary to keep the tomatoes and peppers from burning.
3. Mash the softened tomatoes with a spoon, and continue cooking for another 10 minutes, or until the liquids are reduced to oil. At this point the salad should be well-blended and can be stirred away from the sides of the pan.
4. Serve taktouka warm or cold with pita bread or crusty bread for scooping up the salad.

Makes 4 servings

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